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I think it is important to re-examine the dress code and revise so that it is a better fit for our ever-evolving community and the world at-large. I think it is important to consider how different people chose to express themselves and their gender, and the way someone dresses should be an avenue in which they can do this. As of right now, I don’t believe our dress code allows for such freedom of self-expression and this is something I think needs to be examined.

More thoughts and ideas? →


Stress Reliever Events

Exciting Fundraising

I think paid dress down days can become a dull and monotonous way of raising money, so I plan to have more enjoyable fundraising events/methods. For example, hosting a car wash, Upper School bake sales, movie nights, and more!

On a monthly or bi-monthly basis, I want to have “town hall” style meetings where everyone is welcomed to attend. These meetings will promote community and give your elected Student Government reps a chance to listen to the concerns of their peers in Upper School. Hearing what the rest of the Upper School wants to see and addressing your concerns is at the forefront of my priorities, so issues brought up in these meeting will also become priority goals for the year.

Kickstart your 2022-2023 year